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<TITLE>Man Van Services Northampton,</TITLE>
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Man with a van, manvan, man and van, manandvan, avanandman, Northampton, courier, driver, delivery, collections, removals, single, full loads, house moves, pallets, parcels, furniture,  light haulage, storage, ebay delivery, short, long distance,cheap, reliable, sameday, weekends, owner driver, friendly">
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="A man and van, Northampton, Delivery/ Courier services, Collections, deliveries  and  removals.courier,  Available for single or  full loads, Short  or long distance deliveries. Furniture, eBay deliveries and collections, pallets, parcels, to and from storage , No job is too small  available 7 days a week, from £25, fully carpeted van">